One more

by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote
— To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂 —

Most of the time, success is just one more time away from failure.

I will not quit until I succeed.

I don’t listen to the people who don’t have anything to lose with my failure.

I will not give up.

I will stay in the 1% and be a winner.

No one can do it for me.

I will work smart and succeed.

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Get up and learn

by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote

To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂

Falling down is an accident, but staying down is a choice.

Will I choose to keep going on or will I give up?

I am relentless.

It is my time.

It is the time for me to be who I am.

I will not hide behind my failure. I will learn from them and do better.

I will stop hiding.

Deep down I know I’m special. I can’t lie to myself.

I choose to get up or stay down.

I am Great!

I don’t quit!

Success come at a price and I’m ready to do what ever is needed.

Try me!

I want to prove myself.

I get up and keep going on.

Learn from my pain by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote

To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂

Everyday, I learn.

I learn from my mistake.

I learn from may failure.

I learn from my pain.

I do my best everyday to do better.

I know I’m not perfect. I know I still have a lot to learn. But I keep going on. I know that everything I learn will help me do better.

Don’t give up!

There’s always a way!

Do something great!

Never the end


Failure is never the end. It’s only a guide to help you change what needs to be changed and find a way to make it better.

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”

Donald Trump

Success is build up of failure and mistake.

If you want to be successful, take action and learn from your mistake.

What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.”

Donald Trump

When you face failure, remember that you are on your way to great success.

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”

Dale Carnegie

You fail, smile, you are on your way. Not a lot of people have what’s needed to succeed.

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

Albert Einstein

No one can do it for you. Take action on your dream and keep going on.

Are you building your dream?



Hard times are hard for everyone.


It’s how you choose to react to those hard times that makes the difference.


“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”



You need to choose to look for options. It’s a choice.


Don’t wait for someone else to help you. Analyse, learn and then lay your options on paper.


As you put it on paper, you give them a tangible form. It’s the first step to resolve the hard times you’re in.


Then, choose to take action on one of the options you found.


There’s no guaranty that you will succeed with your action.


But you’ll surely fail if you do nothing.



Are you a follower? Do you like others to choose for you?


Sometimes, it’s ok to follow. Most of the time it’s when you want to learn something that you can only learn following someone who can show it to you.


In reality, most will keep following because it feels safe.


Being safe following is an illusion. Letting someone else choose for you will never be all that you want. I can bring some good things, but it will never be all you want. In the end, you’ll always find disappointment.


“Each of you, as an individual, must pick your own goals. Listen to others, but do not become a blind follower.”

Thurgood Marshall

Someone determine to reach for their dreams will only follow to learn.


“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

Og Mandino

Follower think that they don’t face the responsibility for their failure. They live in the illusion of someone else being responsible. It’s an illusion, we’re responsible of everything we take action on. Even if it’s after someone else request or order.


No one can take the responsibility for your action.


Do better


If you want success, you have to learn from your failure.


“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”

– Truman Capote


Smile facing failure. You’re at the school of success.


Always do your best.


Learn from what didn’t worked.


And keep going on.


Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.



Face Failure


Sometimes, you have to face failure. When you can’t try one more time. When you reach the limit of what you can do, use the experience to do better in your next project.


Failure is not fatal.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill


Don’t let a fail become a stopping sign into your life. Stand up and go on.


“You never fail until you stop trying.”

Albert Einstein
