
2020 05 15 Learning

Learning is the basis of evolving.

When I say learning, I don’t mean only the school. I mean taking the time to learn something new.

Don’t take a stand on your knowledge. Always keep an open mind to something that could modify what you already know.

When you learn something new, take the time to reflect on it.

To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”

Edmund Burke

Deep inside of you, there’s an evaluator. It will tell you if that knowledge is good for you or not. This doesn’t mean that this knowledge is good or bad, it just means that it’s good or bad for you.

What is not good for you could be good for someone else. So, what you know isn’t always good for someone else.



Writing good

2020 01 24 writing good

There is something wonderful about writing a blog.

Whatever message you want to send, it will be interpreted differently by others. As soon as you send your text, you can’t control how it will be interpreted.

As for any quotes, people will see what they need to see in them. Or they just don’t see anything at all.

Stop worrying about what others will think of your text. As long as you feel good about your text, it should be ok.

People will use what they need from your text.

I just hope that my post will bring you something good.



The best leaders work hard and leave all the glory to his team.

When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’”

– Lao Tzu

The best leader always finds something good to say about everyone. A good leader can talk 5 minutes with someone and find something good to say about that person.



If you don’t have a good enough goal, you’ll find good enough excuses to not achieve it.

A good goal should scare you a little.

A good goal should also inspire you to take action.

A good goal should ask to improve yourself.

A good goal should ask that you learn something new.

A good goal should drive you to move forward.

“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.”
– Jim Rohn

As soon as you get the feeling that something could get better, you know you can reach out and do more.

Take the first step and put your goal on paper.



Are you a follower? Do you like others to choose for you?


Sometimes, it’s ok to follow. Most of the time it’s when you want to learn something that you can only learn following someone who can show it to you.


In reality, most will keep following because it feels safe.


Being safe following is an illusion. Letting someone else choose for you will never be all that you want. I can bring some good things, but it will never be all you want. In the end, you’ll always find disappointment.


“Each of you, as an individual, must pick your own goals. Listen to others, but do not become a blind follower.”

Thurgood Marshall

Someone determine to reach for their dreams will only follow to learn.


“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

Og Mandino

Follower think that they don’t face the responsibility for their failure. They live in the illusion of someone else being responsible. It’s an illusion, we’re responsible of everything we take action on. Even if it’s after someone else request or order.


No one can take the responsibility for your action.




Actions a linked to a need.


Taking action can be hard. Even more when the reason is not good enough.


Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.


You have the power to overcome your fear.


“A great future doesn’t require a great past.”

William Chapman


“I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

Carl Jung


You’re not what you did, you’re what you do right now.