Blogging for real

by Serge ‘Mage’ cote

Blogging is something that is a lot like writing a book (for most people). When you start, you just do it in your free time. Then, you start to get some feedback from people and you find out that it could maybe become something more.

Then you have to choose to do it for real or keep it only a side project.

When you choose to make it a priority, it has to be for the good reason. Feedback, good or bad, will not drive you to write more. It’s only a way to know if there’s some people really reading what you post.

Good reason are all about deep and profound ideal that you want to share. You need to write something that you will be happy for doing so in 10 years.

Too many people think that they will become rich with a blog. The sad reality is that it’s only a very few bloguer that are making enough to live with their blog. And among those, only a very few are making it to the top.

No one can say where your blog will end up. It’s all up to you to keep writing even if you don’t get the result you want.