Wait or not

by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote — To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂 —

Leaders take action.

I take action and I do my best.

Am I a leader? I’m a leader because I do what many people don’t.

I don’t expect to be followed.

I do and I learn from what went wrong.

Author: mage1999

About Serge ‘Mage’ Cote Why do I write? I believe in the butterfly effect. As small my influence may be on the planet, it is still influence. I want to orient it for the better. I write my book with the idea of bringing something good into this world. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke I want my books to be a good place to be. A place that you visit often and feel good about it. I want my books to bring good energy so the readers will take action to make this world a better place. I want my books to guide those who don’t know why they feel so bad about their life. I want my books to be there after I’ll be gone. I want people to come back to them and use them in a positive way. “The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” – William James

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