How bad do you want it?

Are you ready to do what needs to be done?

Are you ready to get kicked down on the floor?

Are you ready to do more then you did before?

Is your dream big enough to make you take that extra action you when you think you did all you can?

Nothing comes out of “Just enough”!

You have to be more and better then you were before!

Stop comparing to others, your only competition is you!


Author: mage1999

About Serge ‘Mage’ Cote Why do I write? I believe in the butterfly effect. As small my influence may be on the planet, it is still influence. I want to orient it for the better. I write my book with the idea of bringing something good into this world. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke I want my books to be a good place to be. A place that you visit often and feel good about it. I want my books to bring good energy so the readers will take action to make this world a better place. I want my books to guide those who don’t know why they feel so bad about their life. I want my books to be there after I’ll be gone. I want people to come back to them and use them in a positive way. “The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” – William James

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